Orlando people are looking for an opportunity.An opportunity to get behind something that’s real, authentic and homegrown - something built, not bought. This team
This season - will give them that opportunity Orlando will have the chance to be part of something big. Something intense.
Something real. There will be no scripts. No announcer asking people to stand and cheer. No time-outs. No 7th inning stretch. No blinking. This city is thirsty for something they can truly claim as their own and be proud of. Well,
Welcome to Orlando City
Welcome to intensity and passion
Welcome to your wild side It’s time to get excited - to get a little crazy - TO #GETWILD
When driving around the City Beautiful during the lead up to Orlando City SC’s inaugural match, you might notice a few larger than life fans looming above the skyline.
The clubs newest #GetWild campaign features the fans who crank it up a notch on match day. The kid who sings in harmony with the entire crowd, the husband and wife who cheer together on the weekends, and YOU.

When you look up on at these billboards you’ll see a passion this city hasn’t seen in a long time. You have an opportunity to be a part of that. Haven’t you always wanted to be a part of something bigger? Be a part of something from the start that grows into something special? This is your chance, and the only thing you need to bring is yourself and your voice.
The fans featured on these billboards are just a small sample of what is and what could be.
“Everyone who knows me knows how much I love this team and organization,” said Eric Vixama. He is featured wearing his signature purple mask on one of the billboards. “My car is covered in Lion magnets and I also have a license plate frame to show my Lion pride. As you can see in my pic, I love to wear a purple mask to every game. No matter what the weather; rain, sweltering heat, doesn't matter I wear my purple mask and I'm proud of it.”
If you’ve been to an Orlando City match you’ve likely seen the father and daughter Viking and Teletubby duo. If you haven’t, you’ll see them on one of our billboards. These two found something to believe in together when Orlando City Came to town.

“My father and I have been supporters since the beginning, and it's one of our bonding moments due to the fact him and I have opposite schedules and can never spend much family time together,” offered Juniper Shedd. “I've been living in Florida for my entire life and I can't be more proud to say that that I'm a supporter for our lovely team. My father and I are entering our second year of being season ticket holders, it's such a wonderful experience.”
Finally, I want to share with you what Danny Voss, or the Orlando Unicorn as you may recognize him, submitted to us when we started this campaign.
I scream until the purple smoke fills my lungs. I jump and sing in a sweat-soaked purple Unicorn hoodie. And when I fall, purple blood leaves my wounds. I show my support as passionately as I can for 90 minutes each match day and throughout my day-to-day life. As a member of Society XXI and a hardcore supporter, it would be my honor to spread my love of OCSC in any way I can.
When you see these supporters displayed high above Orlando, when you see them in the streets or in the stands, ask yourself - is this something I want to miss out on? Come with us on this journey. Come with us and #GetWild.