
Supporter Groups Aid In Seminole Soccer Complex Renovations

Seminole Painting
Supporter Groups Aid In Seminole Soccer Complex Renovations -

Orlando City’s practice and youth facilities at Seminole Soccer Complex got a purple makeover this weekend. With large crews from both the Iron Lion Firm and The Ruckus supporters groups, volunteers from the youth group, and paint provided by Lanco Paints, the crew were able to put fresh coats of paint onto the offices, locker rooms, concession stand, and stadium that will give the complex a fresh look as the team prepares to head into MLS.
“Any time you have people who love the game, not only as fans during the games, but in support of a worthy cause, it is great.” said Steve Rammel, Director of Orlando City Youth Soccer. “This weekend, our local youth benefited from a team effort across all levels.”
“We are trying to improve our volunteer program.”, said Laura Halfpenny, Director of Coaching and Business Manager for Orlando City Youth Soccer, “We are having more and more activities out here, projects like this, that have given our community an opportunity to come out and give some time.”

Supporter Groups Aid In Seminole Soccer Complex Renovations -

Fresh paint was just one of the steps in a continued effort to renovate and improve Seminole 
Soccer Complex. The bathrooms have recently been renovated, and the next big projects will include improvements to the fields and irrigation system.
If you or a group would like to volunteer for future projects, contact Steve Rammel at for more information.