Orlando City

They said it: Oscar Pareja and Luis Muriel share their thoughts after loss to Columbus Crew


Orlando City Head Coach Oscar Pareja

Opening Statement

“It was a very competitive match. Credit to our players that they showed their heart and the willingness to bounce back from the adversity that the game put us in. Since we couldn’t finalize our chances, especially in the first half so we couldn’t open the game. We had very clear actions there and in the second half we could have tied the game as well. A very intense game against a good rival. Our performance will let us keep this momentum despite getting the result. The boys are pushing and playing hard and playing well and we will get ready before the next game.”

On when to play aggressive or sit back against Columbus

“I always say that this game is a game of proposals and risks. If you propose to be aggressive up front then you have the risk of opening the spaces in the back especially against a team who knows how to play in those spaces. Also, when we propose to be dense and be organized as we did in the first half, we had clear options in behind of them that we couldn’t finalize and change the story of the game. Against a team who has these initiatives, sometimes you have to go for one of the two. In the second half, we chose to push much more regardless of the spaces we left in behind, we conceded two goals but also we scored three. That is the part of the game that we have to balance. Today, they scored one more goal than us and they took the result. We had a good game. I thought we were very competitive and as I said in the beginning, we could have been leading at the half easily with a few chances that we had. We hit the post twice and you guys saw."

On Luis Muriel and his current form

“It is great news what is happening with Luis. I have to highlight his professionalism and the way he is acting to the rhythm of the league and the rhythm of the team. I think he is finding results already. For us, that is what we are looking for. It is great news to have him raising his level being productive for us. We hope that he continues with it because at this point, we need him.”

Orlando City SC Forward Luis Muriel

Opening Statement

“It was a very complicated game against a really tough rival. I think they put us on the backfoot and put us on the counter really quickly with a lot of their pressure. Moving past that and looking at the end of the second half we showed that we are a team that really likes to fight and wants to fight to be at the top of this league. Their fourth goal hurt us especially with that short field and turning it over right there. With the momentum that we had, we really felt like we were in a position to equalize before that. I am really happy for my goals, but we were really looking to tie it up or win the game tonight.”

On the final 15 minutes of the match

“I saw in us a team that was really ready to push. A team that, in a difficult moment, showed a lot of strength and had that going forward. Especially with those two goals and possibly if Nico [Lodeiro]’s shot had gone in then we could have been tied 3-3 and from there could have pushed forward and really pushed to win the game. I think I saw in this league the strength of a lot of great players, especially on our team. If we all show that strength together then we can really push and make a run at the top of the league."

On what they learned about themselves from this match

“I think we learned, especially in those last 15-20 minutes, the type of team that we can be and the strength that we can show together especially against one of the best teams in the league. We were at the point where we were about to equalize from three goals down and put ourselves into a position to win the game. I think that was the biggest lesson that we take as a team from tonight is that we are a team that when all play together and be the Orlando that we know we can be that we can go toe-to-toe with anyone in this league.”